Updating Results

International Working Holidays

  • 100 - 500 employees

Work & Travel in Canada!

Event Expired

Each month, International Working Holidays hosts a free online information session to answer your questions about working overseas and how you can do it either as an internship or after you've graduated! We also invite a special guest along too... Our special guest for this event is Libby from Canada!

Event Details

Thu 18 May 2023, 12:00pm
Thu 18 May 2023, 1:00pm
Time Zone

This is a free online event where you can have your questions answered live and learn about;

  • All opportunities to work in the USA, Canada, Asia, Middle East
  • Positions Available
  • Pay Rates
  • Living arrangements
  • Special guest; what's unique about working in Canada, types of jobs they are hiring for, location, costs of living, what they are after in a student and earning potential.
  • Visa eligibility
  • Financial assistance and much more!